Monday 6 May 2013

The Ugly side of Beauty Introduction - Thyroid Diease Part 1 My Story

I have decided to introduce a new post that will post every Monday. It will have some relation to beauty, Fashion or life. Some may be more controversial then others but they want be very harsh to read e.g. no animal testing or fur related things - i know they are terrible but some readers are young or others don't like to read.

Well to start things off I am going to talk about something i have and is close to me (very close). this will also give you a insight to my life as well.

*This is my opinion of how i feel and what i went through. i am not trying to get attention just trying to help other people understand more of what people can go through and also if they should be checked*

Imagine walking up everyday for 3 years feeling like you had no sleep, don't want to do anything, putting weight on on top of been a teenage girl. This was me and still is in some ways.

I am 15 but before i knew what was happening i thought i was just extremely fat at around the age of 11/12 - my diet was not bad - healthy under 1,500 calories including about 2 cans of coke ( yes i know i had 2 cans of coke but i don't eat chocolate or crisps). i was at that stage were you felt ashamed about playing out - i did lack of exercise so i thought it was just my diet. At this age i started my first period however they were not monthly the next one was around the next year but even then then happened every 9 months. I was Slim for my age as i did cross country weekly training 3 days a week and swimming once a week but i was still fat in my eyes. (I still remember being 8 and thinking 6 stone was fat!)

Year 8 came, i lost friends and had very little confidence or self esteem but still thought i was some big Shrek thing - 9 stone. i started getting counselled and found it didn't help allot but a little it did (the girl was very nice). not much happen in year 9 just me becoming worse, however my dad went running everyday and i was forced into running two miles a day (evening if i was crying). after 2 months of this i called it enough after i weighed myself and put a extra stone on.

In year 10 it was the start of my gcse's. My attendance was becoming worse and worse however i still got the results i needed not failing any of my 10 exams i had. In the summer i was away in Turkey for 2 months however i was very tired during the days with having a nap after being up for a hour or just not going outside. when i did i swam a bit but where weight should of dropped a tiny bit however it increased by a whole stone - it was not my diet, i drank water and small salads with no crisps or sweet with the odd ice lolly. 

I started year 11 weighing 14 stone and wearing size 20 clothing. my attendance was terrible due to the fact i always felt like i couldn't move. My dad was advised by my Nan who has Hypothyroidism to take me for blood test but i chose not to and decided to go on a diet drinking only water and eating plain salad and chicken - if my weight had not moved in 2 weeks i was to go an give blood, if that then came through i did not have anything i was to start running again.

Nothing changed so i looked up symptoms of the disease with me matching most of them. I asked my mums opinion of it saying she thinks i don't have it even when i matched the symptoms  Going to the doctors, i was told he did not think i had them even though i matched most of the symptoms and had a period every 6 months. I give blood then the next day i went to school but was told after 1 hour was told i was getting picked up i had to go to the hospital. my mum as scared as she thought i had something very bad as it was so quick, after 2 hours i was took to A&E.

On 17th December 2012 at the hospital i was told both of my T4 and T3 levels were extremely low meaning i had hypothyroidism (thyroid disease . I felt this was the best thing that had happen in so many years as i knew what was wrong. I was given 50mg tablets which gave me a artificial hormone that i lacked. Then last month i was moved to a higher dose of 75mg. 

Even though i know what the problem is and i have something to resolve the issues i still have the issue of being fat, still feeling the same but not as much and the issues of i have not lose weight in my opinion  i still wake up feeling bad but some days are better then others - some days i feel great. 5 days of school makes me feel so terrible i cant cope with it sometimes. I still cant fit into clothes that i like or are at a reasonable price. The headache from friends saying about me not coming in. Learning about things i am more prone to and statics telling me the chances of things

I am still learning about what i have, i am still struggling with the disease  my weight, friends & family but also struggling to come to terms with it as i know i said it was the best thing that happen as it was but i wished none of this happen to me but some people feel the same as me but may be too scared of getting tested or are too unsure, however when i have children as some as they hit puberty they will be tested so that do not struggled like i have and still are.

Next week learn about what it is and the symptoms-

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